Dewdon - High Efficiency Panel Filters
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High Efficiency Panel Filters

High efficiency panel filters are mainly used to filtrate the suspended particles in the air with the diameter of 0.3um and below and used for the terminal filtration of all kinds of filtration system.

Product Specifications

External Frame Sealant Separator Filter Media Maximum Operating temperature Maximum Operating Humidity Efficiency
Aluminum Alloy/GI/ Stainless steel Polyurethane Clapboard or aluminum foil Fiberglass/HV fiberglass/PP 80˚C 100% >99.9%

Product Features

HEPA Panel filter.

Frame: Galvanised or aluminum.

Class: H13.

Media: Fiberglass or PP.

Technical Data

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HEPA filters are extensively used in the terminal filtration of the civil or industrial cleansing places in the industries such as electron, semiconductor, precision mechanism, pharmacy, hosipital and food, etc., which require relatively high cleanliness factors. It is suitable to filtrate for clean room and clean factory workshop with dust particle diameter less than 0.3-0.5um.

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