Dewdon - Vision Mission

About Us


We are convinced that industry can be competitive and responsible at the same time, and this vision goes beyond merely complying with standards and legislation for emissions of industrial particles into the atmosphere.

Dewdon Filtration believes in smart, aware industrial progress that is also ambitious and responsible.


Dewdon Filtration promote, ensure and facilitate a balance between maximum industrial development and minimum environmental impact through innovation, design, production and marketing of products and services to help industry to minimise the risk of particle emissions.

DEWDON FILTRATION helps companies to be more competitive and responsible.


To help promote a smooth installation and start-up, we can review details like fit-up, electrical installation, piping installation, filter installation, cooler settings, and pulse system settings before you commission the unit. Or, we can provide support and guidance during installation to ensure that the unit provides maximum performance in the shortest possible time.

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